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Page history last edited by Izaak Dekker 14 years, 7 months ago


This page contains a list of all participants for the Economics on the border seminar series:



Marco Sachy radiumm@gmail.com

BA Philosophy of Languages, Universitas Studiorum Mediolanensis - Milan, IT.

Research Master student in Philosophy and Economics at EIPE - EUR - Rotterdam, NL.

Research Interests: Western Philosophy - German Idealism, Philosophy of Science, American Pragmatism and philosophy of language, French Post-modern philosophy, Hermeneutics. Economics: Welfare Economics, Monetary Economics, Banking Engeneering, Semiotics and Pragmatist Logic applied to monetary phenomena.


Nikos Skiadopoulos nskdpls@hotmail.com 

BA In Philology (Ancient Greek, Latin, Medieval and Modern Greek), University of Athens, Greece

MA History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Athens, Greece.

Current student of the Research Master in Philosophy and Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam


Chiara Bonfiglioli chiarabonfiglioli@hotmail.fr

PhD candidate, Women's studies, Utrecht University


Sanne van Driel | suavitudo@hotmail.com | 0619140658

BA Humanistics, Universiteit voor Humanistiek Utrecht

Student MA Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam


Izaak Dekker | izaak.dekker@gmail.com | 0624831031

Student MA Philosophy at the Erasmus University Rotterdam

Research interests: American pragmatism, Philosophy of education, Political philosophy, History of economics, Urban issues, Public domain, Aesthetics.


Aetzel Griffioen aetzel@gmail.com 

BA Philosophy Erasmus University Rotterdam

Student MA Philosophy EUR


Nathanja van den Heuvel | tanjavdheuvel@hotmail.com | 0650201931

Ba Cultural studies, Ba Philosophy

Student Ma Philososphy, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Student Ma Literary studies, University of Amsterdam


David Bassett

BSc Mathematics and Economics, University of Warwick

Current student of the Research Master in Philosophy and Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam

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