Sanne, Nathanja, Aetzel, David and Izaak
Next seminar will be postponed to the 29th of April
Nathanja will check if Deck is available
The subject of the next seminar is still Edu-factory
Some proposals are made and accepted concerning the structure of the seminar:
- Theory should be brought in a more applied form, be more concrete and practical in order to make a subject more accessable and open to debate
- Our core group should prepare questions on the presentations beforehand (say about three each)
- In order to do so and in order to have a good discussion the literature (essays books papers whatever) should be available in time for all the members of the core group. For this next seminar the book 'towards a global autonomous university' will be red by our group, Aetzel will send us a link to the content or mail us a file.
- a moderator should be appointed to lead the discussion and possibly intervene when necessary
For the upcoming seminar the following should also be taken care of:
- Mattheo and Amir will be approached as possible speakers for the seminar (and the philosophers rally, more on this below) by Nathanja.
- Izaak will contact Arjwan for the next seminar.
- David will make a contribution about Fishers capitalist realism and public choice theory through Buchanan which links with edu-factory through the concept of bureaucracy.
- Nathanja will make a contribution about recent changes in the Dutch educational system (based on a book provided by Aetzel).
- Everyone has to add a contribution to the seminar on the wiki (page about the next seminar) before the 15th of april. Contribution has to be around 500 words | no more than 5 minutes.
Philosophers Rally
We will give a follow-up seminar on the edu-factory as part of the philosophers rally on the 19-20th of May. We will invite more external speakers for this event and delve deeper into the material. The seminar on the 29th of April can be seen as an introduction. Izaak will talk to Tsjomme to see whats possible, well probably get the space and time we want.
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