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Meeting Thursday 8 October

Page history last edited by Izaak Dekker 14 years, 11 months ago

Economy on the border – 2nd meeting



Izaak couldn’t make it today.



On the first open session, we should present the general idea of the meetings.



Monday not possible [bec. of EIPE seminar] / Tuesday??? (for Dek22) à ae



When 1st session? (Marco leaves Thursday 15th, back on Monday 19th)

last Tuesday of October = 27th



Marco: less frontal a setup, more interactive

Nikos: then start better organized from January onwards?

            invite some 50 people

Chiara: give texts to read in advance



Starting fast: this will make for more general presentations

Starting late (last Tues January): far more detailed



Timetable on wiki:

27th: general

Then biweekly, first people to present: Nikos, Marco, Sanne



The form of the presentations will be as follows: one person presents, and two people from the ‘opposite’ camp will comment on the presentation (EIPE – continental, and vice versa).

Interactivity? à What audience? Who is the main addressee, the EIPE students or the

other philosophy students

http://16beavergroup.org/about/ as an example?



Title of the seminar?

it actually seems as if we have lost the EIPE content completely



Marxism? Liberalism? Capitalism?



27th a meeting in which each of us brings up some problematic notions to discuss them (15 mins per person) and level them out on the philosophical plane, the social plane, and for the economists: the scientific plane. Economics is considered to be rational pure and square, understanding political notions as ideological. Liberalism is thought to be the most rational possibility on the level economy. But on the epistemological plane economists only work with approximations of reality: models…



Three different levels:

- political and ethical philosophy (normative philosophy)

- philosophy

- economics (mainly methodology / science; and the scientific ideal behind it)


Considering that economics presents itself and its institutions as inevitable.



explanatory subtitle:

A series of student run seminars on the rift between methodology and politics



Mapping the thoughtscapes: for those from a non-economical background can present a theme and ask what economics has to say about it; economical presentations can grow beyond the epistemological level towards the political.



à On the topic of the form of the presentations: the best format for this would be a roundtable. The immediate focus lies on mapping, which allows for disparate views to coexist. At the same time, from the eventual map the next few months will bring us we could draw a general direction for the rest of the year.



Possible topic: History and economics (on how economic models are inherently anti-historical)

The accumulation of knowledge (Kuhn vs. general intellect)

Economics and the state (Socialism vs. capitalism???)

Ideal model vs. practice 

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