

Page history last edited by Izaak Dekker 14 years, 9 months ago


- Fourth Seminar on the 19th and 20th of May @ Philosophers Rally


- Meeting on thursday the 13th of May


- Third Seminar wednesday 28th of April 19.00 @ Dek22, Willem Buytewechstraat 22


-Meeting on thursday 22th of April time 1900 @ place Rotown 

This gathering is meant to plan the program for the third seminar. Which contribution stall we start with etc based on an evaluation of the gathered contributions. 


- 15th of April, DEADLINE for adding contributions for the third seminar on the wiki




-Meeting on thursday 1th of April 18.00 @ cafe Dudok


-Second Seminar on 11th of March 19.30 @ Dek22, Willem Buytewechstraat 22


-Meeting on thursday 4th of Februari 20.00 @ cafe de Schouw


-Meeting on thursday 28th of Januari 19.30 @ Schiedamseweg 24a

During this meeting we will organise and discuss the topic of the next seminar


-First Seminar on 8th of December 19.00-21.00 @ Dek22, Willem Buytewechstraat 22


-Meeting on Tuesday 24th of November 18.00-20.00 @ Dek22, Willem Buytewechstraat 22


-Meeting on Tuesday 17th of November 18.00-20.00 @ Dek22, Willem Buytewechstraat 22

During this meeting we will discuss the topics of the seminars that will be held in 2010. Participants will prepare an extended version of their proposed contribution. 


-Meeting on Tuesday 10th of November 16.00-18.00 @ Dek22, Willem Buytewechstraat 22

 We could further discuss the contributions of all participants and discuss the fields and notions which are related to them. Hereby we can clarify what concepts will be treated. Also we could continue a discussion of the role our schema or model will play.


-Meeting on Tuesday 27th of October 16.00-18.00 @ Dek22, Willem Buytewechstraat 22 

 Each of us will try to discuss (within 15 min or so) certain problematic notions that lie between the three following fields

- political and ethical philosophy (normative philosophy)

- philosophy

- economics (mainly methodology / science; and the scientific ideal behind it)

Philosophy seems to provide the missing link between the other two. Yet philosophy itself seems to be divided itself (analytical/continental) -but at the same time it seems to provide the best place to start if we want to rethink the relation between the two fields.  Within this framework let's try and discuss certain notions and the way they can be connected through these fields. To be more precise we can talk about "capitalism", "liberalism", "realism/real", "truth" (that's heavy!) or whatever notion seems problematic to the link between political philosophy, philosophy and economics. Let's try to identify some crucial short circuits and draw a kind of map! 

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